
Showing posts from 2016

Different types sweing machine

Different Types Of Sewing machines: Best Sewing.                           Machine Explained In Detail There are types Of Sewing Machines according to the place of use like in which place you are using it or it is intended to use. Such as Industry and home. You can choose from here which will be the best sewing machine for you for industrial uses. Sewing machines also being used in industries as well as home. So according to this, it is of two types- Industrial Sewing Machine Home or Domestic Sewing Machine Industrial Sewing Machines Industrial machines are intended for factory use. Some machines are designed to make shirts cuffs and some are are designed to put the waistband in jeans. These machines are built specifically to do long term and professional tasks. Their constructions are made up of highly durable parts and motors. The gears, housing, connecting rods and body of the industrial sewing mac...

History of Indian currency notes

        A Brief History Of India In 15 Currency Notes The British Empire In the 19th century, the British introduced paper money into the subcontinent. The Paper Currency Act of 1861  gave the Government the monopoly of note issue throughout the vast expanse of British India, which was a considerable task. Eventually, the management of paper currency was entrusted to the Mint Masters, the Accountant Generals and the Controller of Currency. A series carrying the portrait of  George V  were introduced in 1923, and was continued as an integral feature of all paper money issues of British India. These notes were issued in denominations of Rs 1, 2½, 5, 10, 50, 100, 1,000, 10,000. The Reserve Bank of India was formally inaugurated on Monday, April 1, 1935, with its Central Office in Calcutta. Section 22 of the RBI Act, 1934, empowered it to continue issuing Government of India notes until its own notes were ready for issue. The bank issued the...

Types error occur in C Programming Language

                              Different Types Of Errors In C Errors  are  mistake  that we programmer often commit.  Errors  also called as  bugs causes the program to either run unexpectedly ( shows unexpected result ) or prevent the execution of a program. As programmer we are prone to make mistakes. So we should keep in mind the following different types of  errors  in c which we might commit : TYPES OF ERRORS Syntax Errors Semantic Errors Logical Errors Linker Errors Runtime Errors SYNTAX ERROR IN C Back To Types of Errors Syntax Errors  are basically compiler  errors or  compile-time  errors which occurs when we do not follow the grammar of the programming language.  It is detected when you compile the program by the compiler. Syntax Errors occurs :   Due to missing semicolon (  ' ; ' ). It is us...

working of cctv camera

                                          HOW CCTV WORKS CCTV (Closed Circuit TV) uses one or more video cameras to transmit video and sometimes audio images to a monitor, set of monitors, or video recorder. The difference between CCTV and standard TV is that standard TV openly broadcasts signals to the public. CCTV is not openly transmitted to the public. CCTV uses either wireless or wired transmission to send the broadcast from the video cameras to the monitor(s) or recording device. Most CCTV systems are used for surveillance, which can include security monitoring, spying, or safety monitoring. CCTV Cameras CCTV systems have become extremely popular over the last few decades as the technology has improved and become more affordable. The majority of CCTV cameras in use today are usually for surveillance and security purposes. CCTV systems can be found in almost every bank, ...

Latest mobile OS Types

Types of Mobile OS (Operating Systems) in Latest Smart Phones Smart phones , Smart Operating System or perfect combination of both? Now, choosing a smart phone is not the only hectic job you have, but choosing the right OS too is a difficult choice. Over the last couple of months we’ve looked smart phones, a few times but haven’t really spent much time in looking at the different mobile operating systems (m-os). Here’s a quick tour of the main players in this segment which will help you to get a brief idea on various operating systems including windows, blackberry, Google’s android, Apple’s iOS, Symbian and also Palm … Windows Mobile or Windows Phone These handsets run a mobile operating system designed by Microsoft. The bundled software with these units lets you open, create and edit Microsoft Office files as well as run thousands of third party applications. Their connectivity with Microsoft Exchange servers is excellent but web browsing still has room for improvement. A 20...

amazing android version

                         Android version history     Global Android version distribution since December 2009. As of December 2016,  Android Marshmallow  6.0 is the single most widely used Android version running on 26.3% of all Android devices accessing  Google Play ; while Lollipop, if minor versions are combined, is operating on 34.0%. The version history of the  Android mobile operating system  began with the release of the Android  alpha  in November 5, 2007. The first commercial version, Android 1.0, was released in September 2008. Android is continually developed by  Google  and the  Open Handset Alliance  (OHA), and it has seen a number of  updates  to its base operating system since the initial release. Versions 1.0 and 1.1 were not released under specific code names, but since April 2009's Android 1.5 "Cupcake", Android ...