Different types sweing machine
Different Types Of Sewing machines: Best Sewing. Machine Explained In Detail There are types Of Sewing Machines according to the place of use like in which place you are using it or it is intended to use. Such as Industry and home. You can choose from here which will be the best sewing machine for you for industrial uses. Sewing machines also being used in industries as well as home. So according to this, it is of two types- Industrial Sewing Machine Home or Domestic Sewing Machine Industrial Sewing Machines Industrial machines are intended for factory use. Some machines are designed to make shirts cuffs and some are are designed to put the waistband in jeans. These machines are built specifically to do long term and professional tasks. Their constructions are made up of highly durable parts and motors. The gears, housing, connecting rods and body of the industrial sewing mac...